Love Is A Super Power tells the story of several teens preparing to perform a musical at the Celebration of Local Heroes Ceremony on Labor Day. While the group brainstorms possible nominees for the 2015 Local Hero Award, two youth, Joey and Deon, dream of saving their families through the heroes they will nominate. Truth takes them on an unexpected journey where they must learn the meaning of real heroism and its roots in love.
The ensemble will present a preview of Love Is A Super Power on April 25, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at Columbia College’s Hokin Hall (623 S. Wabash, Room 109, Chicago, IL 60605). Admission is free; reservations are required. Please go to here to make a reservation. This preview will give audiences a first look at what will become the Summer Touring Ensemble’s annual production.
The Teens Together Playwriting Ensemble has been working on …Super Power since September. Ensemble members developed the script from personal stories inspired by their experiences with the issues of “betrayal and trust.” A comment from one of the writers inspired the title. “Not all heroes have capes, masks and shields,” he remarked during a workshop session. “I think that the real super power is love.”
Columbia College and Storycatchers will publish all of the teens’ original stories in an online magazine to be launched at a reception following the April preview. Applications to join the Summer Touring Ensemble will be available on the Storycatchers website and at the preview.
The Teens Together Ensemble is proud to receive support from GE, Holsten Human Capital Development and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.